At the annual owners meetings they decided on 2 major rule changes. One was a rule where running backs will be penalized and/or fined if they lead with the crown of their helmet. The other was getting rid of the tuck rule which is about 13 years late for the Oakland Raiders.
The crown of the helmet rule will lead to more judgement calls from the refs which no body wants. There will be a lot of thrown objects in living rooms across the nation because of refs making judgement calls on this. It is also an unneeded rule because the running back should know the dangers of putting their head down. This also leads to more sissisfication of the NFL. Just let them play, they know the dangers if the NFL.
The Tuck Rule change came about 13 years late for the Oakland Raiders. This was a rule that should have been gone long ago. I am glad this rule is gone forever.
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